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The FSK Advantage
Frequency Shift Key (FSK)
Wire Modems Overview (中文网页建构中)
Versatility and outstanding performance
Data-Linc Group's broad line of data communication devices includes fiber optic, dial-up/leased line as well as other wire modems. Data-Linc Groups wide selection of products (Also see our license-free, radio modems serial, wireless Ethernet and 802.11b.) offers the capability to design hybrid systems to address your specific, unique industrial automation needs, from a simple single point remote system to a complex multi-tier multi-drop SCADA system.
Data Transmission Rate
Data-Linc modems provide exceptional data rates, data transmission range and the highest degree of data integrity for PC, PLC and SCADA systems, even in the harshest industrial environments. Our wire modem speeds range from 1200 baud up to 19.2 Kbaud depending upon the lines and type of modem used. If your project requires reliable data transfer our speed and fast turn-around time ensure your data gets through Data-Linc modems provide the industrial automation solution.
Exceptional Range
Data-Linc wire modems transmit data up to 20,000 feet (6.1 km) on two wire and up to 40,000 feet (12.2 km) on four wire lines; up to 20 miles on unloaded lines, unlimited for loaded lines and dial-up applications; and up to 5,000 feet (1.52 km) on power lines. All of Data-Linc's modems have features that make them ideal for industrial automation and the toughest of SCADA applications.
Data Integrity/Reliability
Data-Linc utilizes only the most robust data communications technologies to provide exceptional resistance to potential data communications problems. This includes advanced frequency hopping spread spectrum (FHSS) technology for license free wireless data transmission, as well as FSK (Frequency Shift Key) technology for data communications on any two conductor wire. Data-Linc specialty modems can superimpose data on active AC/DC power lines, in-company PBX telephone wires or instrumentation lines without interfering with simultaneous transmission of power, voice or instrumentation signals. Data can also be transmitted over sliding contacts, slip rings, rolling wheels, brushes, shoes, and the like. Our products provides point-to-point and multi-tier, multi-drop data communications and polling/addressing. Most of Data-Linc modems, peripherals and systems operate in an extended temperature range of -40°C to +85°C (-40°F to +185°F) to further assure exceptional data reliability and integrity making them the ideal choice for the automation industry's SCADA systems that must reliably perform in the harshest of industrial environments.
Simple Installation
Data-Linc Group's products support most synchronous protocols used in typical SCADA applications and interface seamlessly with the automation industrys major PLC SCADA equipment. All Data-Linc modems and cables are factory configured for each application installation requires no modem field settings, programming or adapters on the part of the user. Thus Data-Linc modems are easy to install.
When unique SCADA or other data communication needs arise, Data-Linc's engineers will work to customize a system that provides an industrial automation solution which meets your individual requirements. For added convenience, Data-Linc Group provides PLC rack mount versions of a number of our modems that fit into the PLC rack mount enclosures for our principal Alliance Partners: Allen-Bradley PLC-5 and SLC 500 series; GE Fanuc 90-70 and 90-30; Modicon Quantum, C984 and Rack 984; and as well as others.
Data-Linc modems are the industrial automation data transfer solution well known for exceptional data rates, data transmission ranges and data integrity even in the harshest industrial environments. For your convenience, all Data-Linc modems and cables are factory configured so installation is easy, and because Data-Linc partners with the major industrial automation companies, our modems interface seamlessly with automation industries' PCs, PLCs and other SCADA equipment. For industrial automation applications requiring data transfer for the simplest point-to-point application to the most complex Master-Remote SCADA systems, let Data-Linc Group be your one stop source for reliable data communication equipment.
Contact one of our application engineers at (425) 882-2206 Pacific Coast Time or
to discuss a solution for your data communication challenges.